Off Hour Rangers
We are the Totaly Tubular Transforming Diveranger
A group of friends playing a custom table top role playing game of the GM's creation set in a Power Rangers or Super Sentai like world.

S1E22 - Don't Bite Off MOE

Totally Tubular Transformin' Diverangers

3 years ago

Shinwoo and John cozy up to the rich people at the MOE Gala, while Cal and Sam bring their mystery of the Red Ghost to a close. I sure do hope that new team of rangers doesn't interfere with our detective duo!

Featuring: Ruby as the Chronicler, Storm as John Lee Wallace, Andrew as Cal Capogo, Matt as Shinwoo Yong, and with Joe, as Sam Taylor. Music Produced by Darryl Archideld Follow us on Twitter: Email us at: [email protected]

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